Our Promise

MKA by Dr Kingsley promises you that you will:
Enjoy clearer, cleaner and fresher skin.
MKA by Dr Kingsley promotes clearer healthier skin by combining proven ingredients. Our products don’t over-promise, they simply work, giving you the skin that you have dreamed about -
Experience younger and healthier skin.
Our products are designed to create a healthier complexion as well as clarify and smooth your skin. Create a radiant, younger-looking glow by rejuvenating and nourishing your skin from within. -
Avoid aggressive/expensive treatment.
Many skincare treatments offered these days are invasive and aggressive. With our products, you can achieve the look you want, in the comfort of your own home without the trauma. -
Feel new, improved confidence.
When a woman’s skin is clear, healthy and beautiful she feels confident. Let our products restore your self-confidence in yourself and your skin. -
Wear less makeup to cover up.
No one wants to cake makeup all over their face to be able to face the world. Allow your true self to shine through with naturally clear, radiant skin. No cover-up required